Horsebox Advice from Kevin Parker and James Taylor
Horsebox Advice Topics
These are the latest articles James and Kevin Parker have written about horseboxes, to ensure you and your horses travel comfortably and safely.
If you have any questions about Horseboxes or would like to suggest a topic, feel free to send us a message and we will do our best to provide you with some advice and guidance.
Horsebox Payloads
Horsebox Ventilation
Horsebox Aluminium
Horsebox Passenger Seat Belts
Horsebox Safety Checks
Before you buy a Horsebox
Horsebox Air Brakes
The KPH and JTH bond
Kevin Parker, a name synonymous with high-quality horseboxes and advice across the country, has written many articles to inform you about the safety and guidelines you should expect when owning and using your horsebox.
Kevin has passed the baton on to James, seeing that his boxes adhere to the quality and safety standards expected from the KPH workshop. James has been building horseboxes for over a decade and has received support from within the industry, from the likes of Stuart Henning and building boxes commercially for manufacturers (more information available upon request).
If you have any more questions – do not hesitate to ask.